Beaded Friendship BELIEVE band with neon yellow jade bracelet

Beaded Friendship BELIEVE band with neon yellow jade bracelet

SMR Mantra Bands where Positivity = Happiness

SMR presents a collection of friendship bands that combine style with positive energy stones to enhance a lifestyle of mindfulness & optimism. A perfect daily reminder/affirmation/inspiration hand-crafted with love.

Setting a positive intention and being reminded of it is the best way to bring good vibes into our lives.

 When we Believe, we open ourselves to God, the Universe, our inner guide or whatever higher being we believe in to show us the way. When we Believe, we trust. When we Believe, we hope. When we Believe, we love. So keep Believing. In yourself. In others. In what this beautiful Life has to offer each and every one of us on our Journey.


Shabnam - 2020

Jade : A stone of Serenity & Purity, jade soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. Increases love & nurturing. Attracts good luck & protects. Facilitates peace & harmony between the mental, physical, emotional & spiritual planes.