Saba's Kid's & a new learning center in Phuket joins SunMoonRain's family of whom we help

SunMoonRain is thrilled to include Saba's Kids as part of our family who we have just started to help through a donation of our profits.

Saba Steck & Jesse Kirley so kindly sponsor the education of disadvataged children in Indonesia, paying for their school fees & living essentials whilst providing computer training and english lessons, giving them important tools to have a better future in the world we live in today.

If you would like to know more and help too, please contact

SunMoonRain also recently made a donation to the new Ban Ya Literacy & Learning facility in Thailand for underprivileged children through the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in Phuket, providing water for sanitation. 



August 14, 2016


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