I Love Bon Bons - October 2013

The Healing Qualities Of Stones & Caring for your Jewellery
If you are a regular I LOVE BON BONS reader, you will probably have realised by now that I wholeheartedly believe in the Healing Power of Crystals/ Stones from the sheer number of Sun Moon Rain bracelets that I have amassed in a very short time, and also given away as Gifts. I choose different ones for different girlfriends, depending on what they share with me. For example, if they've just had a bad break-up, or feeling listless for no apparent reason and can't sleep…
Right now I feel that the world is caving in on me (I can't fulfil all my commitments!!!) and have taken ‘Desperate Measures'! I have stopped wearing my de rigueur Diamond Studs and Rings! (Although Diamonds do have Healing Qualities too. Click on BOLD to read more.) I call it DESPERATE MEASURES because since I was about 16- I have always worn diamond ear studs (Yes they may have increased in size in non- direct proportion to my age! Smaller than you think!) And for the last 10 years I have always worn diamond rings whether it's a simple Trinity Band, A Yellow Diamond or my latest purchase- Chanel's Camellia Ring.
Signature Rose Quartz Bracelets and Botswana Agate Bracelet with Rose Gold Lotus Charm & Pink Sapphires
in Salt Water for a few hours, then ran water over them for a few minutes. I decided to start wearing Rose Quartz as it's a mothering crystal, inspiring nurturing of the self.